Frequently Asked Questions
- a Department or Ministry of the Federal or State Government
- any Local Government Authority in the federation
- Any Statutory corporation or public institution set up by any government in Nigeria
- any company incorporated by any government or private individual in Nigeria
- any officer or servant of any of the aforementioned bodies.
You can complain to us on wide range of issues such as:
- Non payment of pension and gratuity benefits
- Non payment of compensation(s)
- Wrongful termination of appointment
- Difficulty in getting insurance companies to pay claims
- Non payment of goods bought and /or service rendered
- Non payment of salary
- Non payment of contract executed
- Non payment/delay in payment of monthly pension
- Unjust disengagement from service
- Excessive/wrongful deductions by banks
- Maladministration from both public and private organizations
- Delay in the release of examination results
- Denial of due promotion
- Wrong computation of retirement benefits
- Double taxation
- Any administrative action/ Decision leading to or that results in the commitment of any act of injustice against any citizen of Nigeria or any other person resident in Nigeria.
Once a complaint is received, it is registered and an acknowledgement letter is sent to the complainant . Soon after,investigation processes are set in motion. If the complaint is such that can be better handled by another authority,it is directed appropriately. If however,the complaints falls within the jurisdiction of the commission ,the organization complained against is given to comment on the matter. If within 30 days a comment is not forthcoming from the organization,follow up action is taken. In many cases,corrective actions or measures are taken at this stage by the offending organization and so such complaint is closed. When however, there is conflict, further investigation methods are applied such as visiting the organization, examining records, inviting top officials of the organization to bring to PCC relevant documents for examination.
It is after the examination of the documents or evidences of both parties that a full report is made. At the conclusion of the investigation, the complainant is informed of its outcome and case closed.
The law is not friendly with anyone who contravenes the provisions of the PCC Act. For Instance if a person who is required to furnish the Commission with information fails to do so, or makes a false statement either knowingly or carelessly,he shall on conviction be fined or imprisoned or both.
If a person who willfully obstructs, interferes, assaults or resists any commissioner or officer of the commission in the execution of his duty or aids, invites, induces or abets any other person to obstruct, interfere with, assault or resist any commissioner of officer such person shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction be liable to a fine or imprisonment or both. Again, any person who lodges a false complaint whether or not in writing shall on conviction be sentenced to imprisonment for one year without option of a fine.
- your contact details;
- an explanation of your complaint and your prayers;
- copies of all relevant correspondence between you and the respondent.