November 26 2023 0Comment


The Public Complaints Commission has moved to join efforts with the Economic and Financial Crime Commission, EFCC to fight corruption in the country.
The Honourable Chief Commissioner of the PCC, Hon. Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf was in the Office of the Chairman of the EFCC today to strengthen the partnership that will enable both organizations to work together.
Hon. Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf said his vis was to congratulate the Chairman on his recent appointment and to seek his cooperation for a continuous working relationship. He noted that the PCC’s core mandate which is to redress administrative injustice arising from maladministration greatly lessens opportunities for corrupt practices in both public and private sectors.

The Chief Ombudsman stated that the mandate given to the Public Complaints Commission to report crimes makes it an official Whistleblower to other Anti-Corruption bodies and calls on the EFCC to see it as a partner in the war against Corruption.
He expressed optimism that a good partnership with the EFCC will make his task as the country’s Chief Ombudsman easier.

In his remarks, the Executive Chairman of the EFCC, Mr, Ola Olukoyede, expressed gratitude over the visit of the Honourable Chief Commissioner and his team.
He said he acknowledged the fact that the PCC has wide powers and it’s enshrined in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which gives it a more legal framework to execute its responsibility as an Anti-Corruption Agency.

He further commended the PCC for the great job it is doing and stressed the need for it to embark on aggressive publicity drive to make itself widelyknown and patronized across the country.

Mr. Olukoyede pledged his Office”s willingness to
collaborate with the Commission and emphasised the need for both agencies need to form Committee that will work out the modalities for a lasting collaboration aimed at fighting corruption.

He urged PCC to be an advocate of peace and unity as well as promoting equal rights for all citizens as stated in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The Honourable Chief Commissioner was accompanied on the visit by the Honourable Commissioners representing Ekiti, Oyo, Adamawa States and the FCT as well as the top Management Staff of the Commission’s Headquarters.


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