With heart full of gratitude, representatives of 3117 Ad/hoc workers that worked as Covid 19 facilitators during the Covid 19 scale 3.0 trooped in their numbers to the state Headquarters of Public Complaints Commission of Osun State to show their appreciation for quick resolution of their complaint on non payment of wages by the government.
The group came with joy as they had earlier tried all possible means alternatively to resolve their complaints, part of which were going to the media houses, protesting, and in fact visiting other agencies but all to no avail until they approached the Public Complaints Commission.
Speaking at the meeting, two of the representatives of the group who spoke were very emotional thanking the Honorable Federal Commissioner; they noted that they brought in their complaint to the Commission with Sad faces but they now had smiles on their faces.
Responding, the Director of Investigation, Mrs Grace Oyebade welcomed the visitors and appreciated them for coming. She equally appreciated the member of staff that investigated the complaint.
She added that the doors of Public Complaints Commission Osun state is opened to every person that feels unjustly treated.
In his address, the Honorable Federal Commissioner Osun State Hon. Sojo Asolo appreciated them for coming and also emphasized that their gratitude should not be limited to coming to the Commission alone but also to enlighten and create awareness on the good work the Commission is doing to the General Public.