January 13 2022 0Comment


The Honourable Chief Commissioner, Public Complaints Commission, Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf has called for closer ties between the Commission and the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC).

Ayo-Yusuf made the call on Wednesday when he paid a courtesy call to the Commandant General of the NSCDC, Dr Abubakar Audi in his office in Abuja.

The Chief Commissioner who was accompanied on the visit by the Honourable Commissioners of the FCT and Abia offices, Comrade Dalhatu Ezekiel Musa and Mr Madukwu Ukaegbu respectively, and other management staff of the Headquarters of the Commission and FCT office, said the partnership between the two organisations is crucial for adequate service delivery.

Ayo-Yusuf also used the opportunity to draw the attention of the Commandant General to the operations of private security companies in the country which he said do not meet the expected standards.

“I want to use this opportunity to appeal to you to use your good office to address some loopholes in the operations of these private security guards. It is expected that the proper supervision of the activities of these companies would bring about the review, a review of the administration that can lead to the following administrative practices; provision of necessary and appropriate working tools for operatives, adequate welfare for operatives safety and security of lives of operatives while on duty. Adequate supervision by superior officials of the NSCDC.

“It is of the opinion of Commission that if most of the obstacles presently underlining the operation of these private security guards are properly addressed they would be strategically addition to function as expected it is obvious that this visit would be the beginning of a good relationships that would be beneficial to both organization,” he said.

The Chief Commissioner also sought the deployment of operatives of NSCDC to offices of the Commission nationwide to aid the job of the Commission.

Responding, the NSCDC Commandant General described the visit as a welcome development. He said his organisation will benefit from the Public Complaints Commission especially in the area of mediation.

“We need to strengthen further our collaboration and synergy and I would like to state that we are going to open our doors well to you, any area you want our collaboration. Even if it is training because we have a department on Peace and Conflict Resolution, under what is called Crises Management now. That department mediates, they use a platform called ADR, so that department use that platform to settle and mediate in a lot of cases and we have settled so far from assumption over a thousand cases through mediation and you see you are experts you have been receiving complaints nationwide and you have resolved a lot of cases so I think we can also collaborate in the area of training where we would call you when we are organising any workshop or conference, with your expertise from your people your staff we would share ideas and experiences I think that way we would be seen doing what has to be done by the two organisation” he said.

Audi also assured that operatives of the NSCDC will be deployed to all offices of the Public Complaints Commission to assist them in discharging their mandate.

In his vote of thanks, the FCT Commissioner of the Public Complaints Commission, Comrade Dalhatu Ezekiel Musa commended their NSCDC for their contributions in tackling the numerous security challenges facing the country.


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